
American Legion Minnesota District #7


American Legion Oratorical contest

2025  Mn District #7 Oratorical Contest  

Sunday February 2, 2025  ---1:00PM

Willmar Am. Legion Post 

Scholarships Prizes   1st $  800.     2nd-$400.  3rd  $200.00

American Legion- D#7    ORATORICAL  CONTEST

-" Defined "

“A constitutional speech contest”    Click on to =Download Defined Speech

The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students. Since 1938, the program has presented participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. The program has featured numerous politicians and prominent contestants over the years, including former Presidents & National television commentators and talk show hosts.

2025—large Scholarship awards &  Prizes .   Young orators earn some of the most generous college scholarships available to high school students. Over $203,500 in scholarships can be awarded each year. The overall national contest winner gets a $25,000 scholarship. Second place takes home $22,500, and third gets $20,00 on a National level.  Each department\ (state) winner who is certified into and participates in the national contest’s first round receives a $2,000 scholarship. Those who advance past the first round receive an additional $2,000 scholarship. The American Legion’s National Organization awards the scholarships, which can be used at any college or university in the United States.

High school students under age 20 are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advances to a state competition. Legion department representatives certify one winner per state to the national contest, where department winners compete against each other in two speaking rounds. The contest caps off with a final round that decides the three top finishers.

Speaking subjects must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. Speeches are 8 to 10 minutes long; plus a  3- to 5-minute speech on an assigned topic also are part of the contest.  

Note: For local D#7 Mn Posts holding local contests exceptions to National rules may be allowed.   ie:   like not including the assigned topic feature—or allowing notes.   However, the D#7 contest follows all National rules. 

Contact your local Pos# XX?x, Mn to start your journey or contact the Department of Minnesota The American Legion at department@mnlegion.org .

*****--Link Download -2025 Pamphlet Details------

*******---Link Download Application Student & Post Form here


2025 Department/State  of Mn  Contest DATE--  February 22, 

Location:  Post #102 Anoka & Post # 102 Osseo


District #7 Chairman Rueben Nathe-426 Brown Avenue, Litchfield, Mn 55355 -Ph:  

320-593-8654-   E:Mail  Ruebenn@hutchtel.net  



District #7 Contest=  1st Place Madison Price  $800.00 Scholarship


-Dpt of Mn Contest--

2024 Madison Price- Eden Valley takes 4th place Scholarship $500.

   1st Place Oratorical District #7 Contest  February 4, 2024..--- See below District Press Release

Madison Price competed in the Department of Minnesota Contest February 24th in Anoka, Mn

Madison  won the Department  4th Place Award and a $500.00 Scholarship

Total Scholarship funds she won  District & Department   $1,300.  ,

Be sure to Congratulate Madison & thank her for competing.


To give our youth an education that shall be American in character=

       to enable them to act as well as to think -

       to execute as well as to conceive  -

       to tolerate all opinions when reason is left free to combat them-

       to make moral, patriotic, efficient, and useful citizens-


       to qualify them for all those high responsibilities

            resting upon a citizen of this free republic.


Information & Sign up Forms......     District #7 --  Each Post  sponsors their candidate to compete.  Posts may conduct their own contest to determine which candidate will represent them.  The local contests may allow some exceptions.   D#7  Posts should have their candidate complete application form  and E:mail them to District Chairmanan.   Contact District  Chair at least 2 weeks  or earlier before District #7 contest.  Contact District # Chairman for additional information-- 

For Student Information and Reference...  See Below on this page You-Tube Video's of Past National  Oratorication Champions 10 Minute presentations.

Open & Click on Pamphlet ====/files/2024_BB_pamphlet_D7__P1__0RATORICAL__2024.docx

   APPLICATION FORM==open & Click on Post Contestant Application Form    /files/D70APP~2.XLSApplication.xlsx

Link to ===       - Rules Form- MS Word format

Subject- Speech Contest about Constitution of the United States-

Objectives: The development of leadership qualities, preparation for the acceptance of the

duties & responsibilities, rights and privilege of American citizenship.

Scholarship Funds  are provided.  


 Sunday February 2, 2025      1:00PM ---***-- Hosted By:   American Legion -Willmar, Mn

District #7  Scholarship Awards

1ST  PLACE    $800.00             2ND PLACE   $400.00             3RD PLACE   $200.00

---Link to Post Information -Click on

------Link to You-tube National Champions- for reference..***


List of Former National  Champions & Runner up's

  Champion only advances to Department\State Contest-=Below


2024-Department \ State  Contest

- February 24, 2024At Anoka & Osseo Am. Legion's

 2024- Department Scholarshp Awards

1st  $1500.    2nd  1000.    3rd  700.    4th  500.

  Champion only advances to NATIONAL  Contest-Below




Coming.....Details  To be Determined



National Oratorical Contest Scholarships

1st  $25,000.   2nd  $22,500.    3rd  $20,000.


American Legion District #7--                            2024   NEWS RELEASE     

   National High School Oratorical Contest 2024  News Release-101 On Sunday February  4. 2024   District #7 of the Minnesota American Legion held its annual Oratorical Contest which was hosted by the Willmar American Legion.  The Chairman Rueben Nathe of Litchfield, Mn conducted the contest.   He was assisted by District Commander Jan Ekert of Kingston  & members of the Willmar Am. Legion and many volunteers from throughout the 14 counties of the 7th District.  

The purpose of the American Legion’s High School  (9ththrough 12th grades) Oratorical Contest is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States on the part of High School students, and to win scholarship money. Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship.  

           The 2024    1ST Place  Champion & Award winner is  Madison Price   High School 12th Grader

of Eden Valley-Watkins school District.     Madison will receive a $800.00 scholarship and the opportunity to advance to represent the Seventh District in the State/Department contest.

    2nd Place award winner of  Belgrade   Alison Sarsland   she is a  High School :Junior of the New London -Spicer school district and will receive a  $400.00 Scholarship award.

3rd Place award—No Contestant

The Minnesota Dept\State  contest will be held Saturday February 24th      It will be hosted by the OSSEO & ANOKA American Legion Posts.   The Minnesota Contest winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $1,500. 2nd place, $1,000. 3rd place $700., 4th place $500. – The Minnesota winner will advance to the National Contest-

The National Contest will be held May 17-19, 2024 in Hillsdale, Michigan The National winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $25,000.  2nd place $22,500.  3rd place $20,000.   Each  Department\State winner who participates in the first round of the National Contest will  receive a $2,000 scholarship+ if advancing to the 2nd level an additional $2,000.  


Congratulations  Madison —We all wish Madison  the best as she competes in the Department contests.




2023  District #7  Oratorical Contest  

         - Rules Form- MS Word format


American Legion District #7 & National High School Oratorical Contest News Release-101

On Sunday February  5. 2023   District #7 of Minnesota American Legion held its annual Oratorical Contest which was hosted by the Willmar American Legion.  The Chairman Rueben Nathe of Litchfield, Mn conducted the contest.   He was assisted by District Commander Karen Welander a member of the Willmar Am. Legion and many volunteers from throughout the 14 counties of the 7th District.  Our host  was Willmar Post #167 who also provided volunteers.                -----                                                                          

The 2023    1ST Place award winner is  Megan Blonigen of rural Paynesville and Eden Valley  High School 11th Grader of Eden Valley-Watkins    Megan will receive a $700.00 scholarship and the opportunity to advance to represent the Seventh District in the State/Department contest.  Megan also won the District 7 Contest lst year, she advanced to the Department\Sate Contest and advanced to the National Contest & advanced to the semi -finals and earned $6,200. in scholarship funds.     


The Minnesota Dept\State  contest will be held Saturday February 26th      It will be hosted by the OSSEO & ANOKA American Legion Posts.   The Minnesota Contest winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $1,500. 2nd place, $1,000. 3rd place $700., 4th place $500. – The Minnesota winner will advance to the National Contest-

The National Contest will be held April 21-23, 2023 Indianapolis, Indiana The National winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $25,000. 2nd place, $22,500. 3rd place 20,000.   Each  Department\State winner who participates in the first round of the National Contest will  receive a $2,000 scholarship+ if advancing to the 2nd level an additional $2,000.  

Congratulations  Megan —Former District Champions


--District #7 Previous

CHAMPIONS & Runner-ups

2024    Madison Price---- Eden Valley    2nd  Alison Sarsland- New London

2023  Megan Blonigen-  - Eden Valley   + Dept. \State-Champion    2nd ==- Trevor  Crusoe-  Litchfiel

2022 Megan  Blonigen- -Eden Valley  + Dept\State Champion      2nd == Britney Prahl- Litchfield

                   2021  Hazel Chvatal- Litchfield +Dept.\State Champion             2nd=   Logan Muonio- Watkins

2020-  Miles Kerstein- Litchfield--  2nd  None


References of Actual Video Presentations from Past National Contests Champions

CLICK ON YOU -TUBE VIDEO-       --  -Past Sample - Past Nat'l Contests Winners

 - #101  -NATIONAL CONTEST-  2019 FINALIST   #101   ------MALE


-#2022-National Contest-2022 CHAMPION & Finalist  # 2022 -  FEMALE

National Link  for information from previous contestant videos  can also  be found at or Click on   www.legion.org/oratorical  


  Information about  District #7 Oratorical CONTEST- ***

1.    All  MN Post  Commander or Adjutants should have received the 

Oratorical Contest FLYER with details  from Deptment  --October or November.

2. Each District #7 Post may  submit one Champion for District #7  Contest.

3.  Local Posts may conduct a local Contest to determine their Contest Champion to represent them.

4.  Posts should register and reserve a spot for Contest   ASAP  or two weeks prior to District Contest.    Contact District #7 Oratorical Contest  District 7 Chairperson  if questions or need of additional information. 


Rueben Nathe, Litchfield  E:mail    ruebenn@hutchtel.net      **Phone   320-593-8654 

- Leave a message if not home ---We'll return your call.  Thank You

Past years  Contest Champions

-National Contest-2022 CHAMPION & Finalist          2022 -  FEMALE-- == You-tube  Click on

2022--EMMA NOBLE- Alabama-


See National Finalist Video's- bottom-- below :


     2022 DISTRICT 7  CHAMPION Megan Blonigen of Eden Valley-Watkins advanced to the Department/State Contest and for the second year in a roll District #7  advanced to the Championship. 

Megan won the Department/State Contest and this year moves on to the National Contest to be held April 22,23,24, 2022 at  National Headquarters in   Indiannapolis, In--  Congratulations  to the Eden Valley Post and  Megan  Blonigen District #7 is very  proud of your accomplishments and wishes you the best of  luck as you go for the  National Scholarship and the 1st Prize of $25,000.   Win it all Megan...  We are cheering for you.    smileyyes


American Legion District #7      ------  -
National High School Oratorical Contest--------------------
- News Release-
On Sunday February  6. 2022   District #7 of Minnesota American Legion held its annual Oratorical Contest which was hosted by the Willmar American Legion.   District Commander David Chip Manson of Sunburg & member of the Spicer Am. Legion and many volunteers from throughout the 14 counties of the 7th District.  Our host  was Willmar Post #167 who also provided volunteers..
                 --                   ----        --- 
The 2022    1ST Place award winner is  Megan Blonigen of rural Paynesville and Eden Valley  High School 10th Grader of Eden Valley-Watkins    Megan will receive a $700.00 scholarship and the opportunity to advance to represent the Seventh District in the State/Department contest                                                                                                                          
2nd Place award winner Britney Prahl of Litchfield  and a High School senior of the Litchfield school district and will receive a  $500.00 Scholarship award.
3rd Place award winner Travis Crusoe  of Litchfield  and a High School Junior of the Litchfield school district and will receive a  $250.00 Scholarship award.
4th  Place award winner Mikaili Johnson  of Grove City  and a High School 10th Grader of   ACGC  Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City   school district and will receive a  $125.00 Scholarship award.
The Minnesota Dept\State  contest will be held Saturday February 26th      It will be hosted by the OSSEO & ANOKA American Legion Posts.   The Minnesota Contest winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $1,500. 2nd place, $1,000. 3rd place $700., 4th place $500. – The Minnesota winner will advance to the National Contest.
The National Contest will be held April 9-11, 2021 Indianapolis, Indiana The National winners will receive scholarship awards 1st place $25,000. 2nd place, $22,500. 3rd place 20,000.   Each  Department\State winner who participates in the first round of the National Contest will  receive a $2,000 scholarship. 
Congratulations  Megan —We all wish Megan  the best as she competes in the State Contest to represent the 7th District & Eden Valley .  We are all cheering for her.  
Submitted Rueben Nathe American Legion District #7   Americanism &  Oratorical Chairman


2021 Hazel Chvatal HS Sr of Litchfield  was 

District #7  & Minnesota State Champion

Hazel's winnings from local, District and State were $7,700. - COVID #19 cancelled the National Contest.


The purpose of The American Legion’s National High School Oratorical Contest is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States on the part of high school students. Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights and privileges of American citizenship.

Contests:    --     National/       Mn/Department/State/Mn //

/  Mn  District 7      ///   Local Post\Community Programs 

 Suggest that Posts  appoint an Americanism Chairman and  or an Oratorical Contest Chairperson.   Include your Auxiliairy-SAL  to support. 

It is sometimes hard to find students interested in a speech contest.   However, the scholarship prizes are great that the American Legion offers are well worth the effort. See below. 

Local Posts might also offer a scholarship but is not required to do so to enter a local student in the District Contest.   Posts only need to determine annually who will represent their Post by contacting District # 7 Oratorical Contest Chairman .

If District #7 Posts have more than one contestant they should conduct a local contest.  Posts can be more flexible when conducting the local contest by allowing notes and prompting.  The extemporaneous feature or assigned topics is not required for the local contest.

Suggest Posts contact local school district Councelsors or Principle to assist in any way by communicating with the students.   Get them the information

Links  for information from previous contestant videos  can be found at

 Oratorical Contest | The American Legion   



1.      Each District #7 Post can submit one Champion for District Contest.

2. All  MN Post adjutants should have received the Dept/State flyer in October.

3.        Posts should register and reserve a spot for Contest   ASAP  or two weeks prior to District Contest.                                                                 If District #7  has less than 5 registered contestants as of two weeks prior to Contest-

 Posts may also send their 2nd place local contestant. Check with chairperson if allowed.

 Contact District #7 Oratorical Contest  District 7 Chairperson  if questions or need of additional information. 

***********************************************************Thank You

Rueben Nathe, Litchfield  -

E:mail    ruebenn@hutchtel.net   

--Phone   320-593-8654   - Leave a message if not home ---I'll call you get back.  



 - NATIONAL CONTEST-  2019 FINALIST   #101   -------------------MALE


                        2022--EMMA NOBLE 

Click on below for Video of  Champion's presentation.

--National Contest-2022 CHAMPION & Finalist